Sunday, March 22, 2009

Library's visit

If you need to borrow a book from the TAFE Library, you need to be registered and your TAFE ID Card is enough to join the library.

You can borrow 6 books and 4 audios at one time. You can keep the books for two weeks and the videos just for one week. If you need the book or the video for more time you can renew it by phone or in the library. You can renew an item three times.

You can borrow books from other libraries and TAFE Library does the booking and brings the book for you and takes it back when you do not need it anymore.

The Library is open from 8am to 9 pm and the chute to return books is available only when the library is open.

You can get photocopies for 20 cents and for Association members the cost is 10 cents. The Library can help you with assessments and finding any information that you need. The Library is a great help for ESL students because it has lot of materials like books and videos to improve your English.

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