Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bundeena and Maianbar

Bundeena and Maianbar are located on the Cronulla Coast in Southern Sydney, just one hour from the Sydney CBD.

You get there by driving along the Princes Highway through the National Park or by ferry from the public wharf at Gunnamatta Bay located close to Cronulla Station. The ferry departs on the half hour.

If you want to get a quick and easy escape from the fast pace of the city, this is a beautiful place to visit because you will find plenty of outdoor activities, like walks around the beaches or bushland. There are marvellous views, shops, cafes, picnic and barbeques areas.

Bundeena and Maianbar have a lot of talented people who like working with their hands and produce lots of fine handmade ceramics, jewellery and textiles. You can enjoy a visit to their shops or get some classes or demostrations that many of the local artists offer.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Swine Flu

Mexico has been at the centre of the global Swine outbreak and health authorities are worried because it will spread quickly, and cause a Pandemic. A Pandemic is when a virus gets out of control and infects lots of people.

The Flu is a virus which actually began thousands of years ago in birds, but over the years all species have developed their own flu. Sometimes the flu can mutate between similar animals including humans. The Flu spreads through coughing and spluttering. The problem is that our bodies aren't prepared for it. We haven't an inbuilt immunity to it and that's why it's making people so sick.

Luckily there are medicines available which can treat the virus and scientists are working hard to create a vaccine.

Meanwhile you can cover your mouth when you cough and wash your hands regularly to help prevent the spread of the disease.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Holiday

Hello everybody.
I'm don't have to much to tell you, because I didn't do much, just stay at home and help to my mother in low to find place to move because after the dead of his husband she couldn't stay in this place because she felt very sad because the house has a lot remembrances.

I did a lot housework because when I'm study and work at evenings I can't do anything so I tried to put in order my appartment.

I ride three books during travel train time but I started to write my recount just for one of these. but I haven't finished.

The Easter Friday, I went to my Antyl's place to have lunch with some friends and she cooked fish, casava, platano and salad that is a typical Colombian food for Easter friday.


The 25th of April each year, Australians commemorate ANZAC DAY. They remember the brave men and women who have served Australia in times of war.

The word ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers were called diggers because they were good at digging the land to protect themselves against their enemies.

Simpson was a brave person from World war I. He had a Donkey called Duffy. He carried injured soldiers on the back of his donkey to secure places.

On Anzac day, Australians show their thanks to the people who fought for this country. Families go to the march in their towns wearing ANZAC badges and waving Australian flags.

The Ode is a part of a special poem that is said during the ANZAC DAY service and people reply it with these words: "Lest we forget"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

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Harmony's Day

Hello everyone.
I feel sorry because I missed this celebration. I think that Harmony day is an important day because this day reminds us that we must to share this land in peace without any feeling of rancour or anger.
I think some people are here because they want to escape from the violence of their countries. They also want to have a better place to see their children growing up and get better opportunities.
Therefore, we have to leave these feelings out of Australia and live in peace.

Library's visit

If you need to borrow a book from the TAFE Library, you need to be registered and your TAFE ID Card is enough to join the library.

You can borrow 6 books and 4 audios at one time. You can keep the books for two weeks and the videos just for one week. If you need the book or the video for more time you can renew it by phone or in the library. You can renew an item three times.

You can borrow books from other libraries and TAFE Library does the booking and brings the book for you and takes it back when you do not need it anymore.

The Library is open from 8am to 9 pm and the chute to return books is available only when the library is open.

You can get photocopies for 20 cents and for Association members the cost is 10 cents. The Library can help you with assessments and finding any information that you need. The Library is a great help for ESL students because it has lot of materials like books and videos to improve your English.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Country's Superstitions

In my country there are some many superstitions for different events: for example

  • For the New Year it is good to eat 12 grapes and ask a wish for each one as you eat them. Another superstition with the New Year is you have to put flour, lentils and bread on your table to have plenty or enough food for next year.You also have to go around your block with a suitcase if you want to travel next year.
  • For Easter many people visit the church and pray a lot to get God's protection, and Easter Friday the people don't eat meat out of respect for God.
  • And daily if you go under a ladder it is bad luck, or if you see a black cat it is bad luck.
  • You must carry in your wallet 3 notes of a dollar each: One you have to buy, and other that you receive as a gift and the other you must to take from someone.

Wordle's Answer week 4

Here are my answers:

1. Teresa pushed her long hair from her face and tried not to panic, but she knew, she was in trouble.

2. She looked in the mirror and she pressed her hands against her stomach.

3. She was a divorced single mother, with two children.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Holiday

Last January, We went to Gold Coast for my cousin's wedding. He invited all family and a few friends to his wedding.
We went the Friday 09 of January and came back the nex sunday. His wedding was the 10TH of January close to the beach in the Gold Coast, We spend the weekend enjoying the beach and the view.
The Wedding celebration was beautifull. My cousin and his wife were very happy.
The Sunday after the wedding, Mauri and me went to ocean world to see the differents atractions and we spend all day there.
The time was lovely because the weather was no too hot.
The holiday was nice because we didn't have to pay for anything.


Hello, Everyone
My name is Omaira, I came from Colombia, I'm enrolment in this class since last year because I want to improve my English to get a better job.

Now I live with my Fiance since Julio/07 but I used to lived with my antyl, I got 4 cousins here but all are married and they have a busy life.